Click Here for the best selling golf swing trainer ever!
Lower body strength will help you stabilize and maintain your posture. This will result in a fiery drive and significant extra distance to your ball. The means to successful lower body strength training is developing the numerous different muscles that are particular to the golf swing. The emphasis is on muscular endurance as high repetition will provide the stamina needed to preserve steadiness and power throughout your swing.
All good exercise programs designed to improved the golf swing will include a focus on the lower body. In fact some golfers are surprised at first when they see some of the golf specific exercises which concentrate on the hamstring and lower parts of the body. It is easy to feel that too much emphasis is being placed on this lower part of the body. This is impossible as too much emphasis can not be placed on the lower body when it comes to the golf swing. This is exactly where most of the golf swings happen.
Golfers today are rotating aggressively with slight lateral movement. Correspondingly, a very trendy swing method is the Stack and Tilt Golf Swing, where there is NO lateral movement. This takes a huge amount of core and lower body strength to perform competently. Golfers who are weak and rigid will not be able to execute this swing technique unless they focus on developing the strength of the lower body and also the core area.
There are a few popular golf swing training aids designed specifically for lower body development. First, there is the Power Stance Golf Balance and Power Trainer. This is perfect for golfers who have problems shifting their weight during their golf swing or have difficulties aligning themselves properly
Another device is the Ankle Tac Tic will teach a player to keep their weight on the inside of the right (back) foot and get rid of their sway. It “clicks” when the ankle bends. Once a player has learned to keep a firm lower body foundation they can build a powerful golf swing.
The first step in improving torque outputs of the lower body is developing lower body strength. This is essentially achieved with lots of golf-specific strength training exercises. These types of exercises will increase the strength within the muscles involved in the golf swing, providing you the foundation within the body to increase the torque generated in the downswing.
Golf lower body training is the quickest way to add yards to your drives and reduce back pain significantly. The golf swing puts a tremendous amount of stress on the body, especially the lower back. Implementing a golf strength training program will prevent and/or reduce lower back pain and injury.
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