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For maximum distance and a consistent shot, it is imperative that you use proper golf swing transition and weight shift. You want to get your left shoulder behind the ball on the upswing paying particular attention to not swaying your hips. Then on the follow through your right shoulder should move past where the ball was. This movement ensures that you have made a good turn with proper weight shift.
Check out this video by Jeff Ritter:
Golf swing transition is the key to power. It can be defined as the small period of time between the backswing and the downswing. It is often glossed over by many instructors, yet it is such a critical part of a proper swing. Getting this right goes a long way to prevent top hitting, casting, slicing, hooking or thinning.
It is during transition that the weight is transferred, and the hip joints need to be set up to accept the next motion. It is important not to tense up during the swing as a joint can not change state near a tensed muscle. This will throw off you swing and cause a poor shot. Make use of muscle elasticiy during your swing and you will achieve greater speed, distance and accuracy with less pain.
Be aware of what your body is doing, but don't get in the way of it. Allow your muscle memory from your practice with the Medicus to be your guide. Tension and over thinking will undo what you developed in your golf swing training. Even during transition you want your swing to be just that: a natural swing.